Meadow Quality Joining with Ladies In Pigs to Promote British Pork in Schools Across the UK

Ladies In Pigs are developing how they deliver their messages regarding Red Tractor Pork
to the general public by branching out even further into the education of our younger
generations. With this aim in mind, Claire Davies has taken on the task of raising
sponsorship to help fund this valuable work.
Claire has worked with Ladies In Pigs for over ten years, alongside her teaching role in
education, but when the opportunity arose to develop the sponsorship and education
projects for them she was very keen to get involved. “I am a strong believer that by
educating our younger generations about nutrition, farming and the massive opportunities
that are available within our diverse and essential industry, we will strengthen and grow as a
healthier and happier society.” The Ladies in Pigs team are creating education packages
suitable for all key stages, going through the primary years and into schools and colleges up
to Further Education level, where pork has now been recognised as a primary source of
protein in the curriculum. Therefore, by supporting teachers to educate pupils about the
health benefits of pork, how it can be included as part of a balanced diet, also the versatility
in which it can be cooked, we are also supporting the promotion and awareness of Red
Tractor pork.
Claire has also been involved in the Pig Industry through her husband, Simon (Commercial
Director for Meadow Quality) for over 30 years, and has enjoyed helping working on the
farms, when he was production based, but still attends many pig events with him as she
enjoys keeping in touch with industry friends. It is her mission to use her education
experience of over 15 years to communicate with younger children and teenagers. She
recognises that sadly there is a massive decline in cooking ability and willingness to learn,
therefore by developing exciting and interesting projects for them to engage in their interest
and intrigue will ignite and spur them into becoming healthy consumers of the future.
The varying tasks for the children will include games in which they have to recognise Red
Tractor products from other ‘British’ labelling, therefore introducing the students to the
complexities of identifying the origins of your shopping, completing a large wooden jigsaw of
a pig with different meat cuts as the pieces, this gives the opportunity to talk about which
part of the pig is used for joints, ham, bacon etc. For older students work will be done on
basic butchery skills, recipe adaptations and bringing in STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Maths) based activities.
Such a big initiative obviously requires funding to carry out this invaluable promotional work,
which is where Claire, on behalf of the Ladies, would like to ask every member of the Pig
Industry to dig deep and offer the support of sponsorship. Please contact Claire at if you would like to help with their mission to help the Industry.